When it matters the most, we do the least. This scripture flies in the face of the modern church! But ultimate trust brings ultimate peace.
Think of what Jesus is saying here. He promised that the disciples would be legally attacked, apprehended, and brought to the highest courts of the land facing the death penalty. Yes, that is the promise of the Gospel! When it happens (not if, but when) Jesus says it is for a testimony, implying that if you defend yourself properly, those in authority will see the light, repent, and set you free. But…. Don’t prepare what you are to say beforehand.
Don’t prepare? Don’t prepare for the most important speech if your life? That’s preposterous! Why would we not prepare? This is important! Life or death! We need to carefully weigh each word, consult experts, use every ounce of talent in a persuasive oratory!
No. Jesus said three things.
1. Don’t worry about what to say.
2. You will be given what to say in the hour.
3. It’s not you speaking anyway.
The first one you could explain away with careful application of “don’t worry doesn’t mean don’t prepare, that’s two different things”. While that is true #2 speaks about the words being given in the hour. Together these two statements do not represent hours or days of study and writing /rewriting after consulting with experts. In fact, the whole point of this scripture is summed up in the end,
It is not you who speak!
We don’t have to be capable! We don’t have to know how! We don’t have to make it happen at all, all we need do is be available, faithful, and listening to the Holy Spirit. We are not to speak from our own wisdom or talents, but rather let Christ speak through us. It’s all Him, none of us.
How is that possible? Here are three keys:
1. Stay in prayer. Stay in communion with God always, before the need arises. Walking in the power of God is not something we do, it is a way of life every minute of every day. Every time we step out of God’s presence by a selfish act, hurtful word, prideful thought, or just proceeding without praying first, we leave God’s presence and will not hear from heaven.
2. Collect truth. Spend time in the word filling our soul with light. It is much easier to hear from heaven as to which truth to speak when, then to hear what truth is for the first time. If we stay humbly in God’s word daily, we have a proper frame of mind to speak from. David knew he could take down Goliath because David had learned how to take down lions and bears while a lowly shepherd. That is the only preparation we need, a tool box full of familiar scripture and truth.
3. Have Faith. Trusting in God to give us the words allows our soul to be at peace, which enables us to hear from heaven. It is the worry, the fretting, the panic that makes heaven seem so quiet and distant. First we must be still and quiet. If God brings you to an impossibly difficult situation, you can be sure He has already equipped you to handle it properly in peace. Just relax and have faith!
You see, the preparation for those hard moments is in the life we lived years before. The preparation is God teaching us to take on a bear with a slingshot as a young shepherd. It is not something we do once the moment arrives. Jesus doesn’t wait till the last moment, no. He orchestrates our life so that we can peacefully stand in the moment with a full toolbox, properly prepared to use whatever tool the job requires. Our life experiences fill the toolbox with everything necessary, and in the moment the Holy Spirit guides in wisdom to apply those tools properly.
Perfect peace comes through deep faith. Is God in charge of your life or not? Is He able to make things happen? Does He speak to you daily? If you heard from Heaven in your prayer closet each day, there would be no doubt that you will hear from Him in the important moments.